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- 作者:(英),琼斯-麦克齐奥拉 ,(Sarah Jones-Macziola),(英),怀特 ,(Greg
- 出版时间:2012/6/1
- ISBN:9787508068886
- 出 版 社:华夏出版社
- 中图法分类:H31
- 页码:134
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:4
- 开本:16开
《新版剑桥国际商务英语:学生用书(1级)(第4版)》是英国剑桥大学考试委员会指定的BEC1考试的学习教材,原书名为Getting Ahead:Learner's Book。该书内容覆盖商务活动的各个方面,对公司接待客户、公司自我介绍、商务合作洽淡、各种商务文件书写体例、各类商务通讯(电话、电传、书信l等语言规范都给出了清晰实用的范例。在学习商务规范语言的同时也学到了基本的商务知识。全书是按50-70个课时设计的,分16个主要单元、4个复习单元和与教材同步使用的录音听力原文等。《新版剑桥国际商务英语:学生用书(1级)(第4版)》是参加BEC1考试学员的必读教材,同时也是商务工作者、大学生以及英语爱好者的一本好的学习材料。
Unit 1 Introductionsandgreetings 介绍和问候
1.1 Introducingyourself
1.2 Sayingwhereyou'refrom
1.3 Introducingotherpeople
Unit 2 0ccupations 职业
2.1 Sayingwhatyoud0
2.2 Telephoning
2.3 Findingoutinformationaboutpeople
Unit 3 Companies 公司
3.1 Describingacompany
3.2 Talkingabouttypesofbusiness
3.3 Findingtheperfectpartner
Unit 4 Theplaceofwork 工作地点
4.1 Givingdirections
4.2 Talkingaboutdepartments
4.3 Takinga message
Unit 5 Revision and consolidation 复习和巩固
Unit 6 Day-to-day work 日常工作
6.1 Talkingaboutyourwork
6.2 Describingroutines
6.3 Likes and dislikes
Unit 7 Theworkingenvironment 工作环境
7.1 Asking people to do things
7.2 Talkingaboutstress
7.3 Givingadvice
Unit 8 Plans 计划
8.1 Discussingarrangements
8.2 Malangarrangements
8.3 Planningatrip
Unit 9 Visits and travel 访问和旅行
9.1 Findingoutabouthotels
9.2 Talkingtoavisitor
9.3 Attendingbusinessevents
Unit 10 Revision and consolidation 复习和巩固
Unit 11 Workhistory 工作经历
11.1 Findingsomeoneajob
11.2 Talkingaboutyourcareer
11.3 Describingyourfirstjob
Unit 12 Fairs and sales 交易会和销售
12.1 Finding out about a trade fair
12.2 Talkingaboutproducts
12.3 Placinganorder
Unit 13 Productdescription 产品搽述
13.1 Comparingproducts
13.2 Sayingwhat'sbest
13.3 Makingsuggestions
Unit 14 Entertaining 宴请
14.1 Taking a guest to dinner
14.2 Makinginvitations
14.3 Describingfood
Unit 15 Revision and consolidation 复习和巩固
Unit 16 Firms and factories 公司和工厂
16.1 Sayingwhatyou've done
16.2 Visitinga factory
16.3 The companyreport
Unit 17 Problems,problems 问题,问题
17.1 Dealingwithproblems
17.2 Complainingandapologizing
17.3 Findinga solution
Unit 18Futuretrends 未来趋势
18.1 Makingpredictions
18.2 Talkingaboutthefuture
18.3 Changingthewaywework
Unit 19 Enjoying a business trip 享受商务旅行
19.1 Finding out about a city
19.2 Makingoffers
19.3 Thanking
Unit 20 Revision and consolidation 复习和巩固
Files 文档
Transcripts 录音原文
Thanks and acknowledgements 致谢和声明