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- 作者:郑树棠 主编,周国强 分册主编,周国强 等编著
- 出版时间:2011/3/1
- ISBN:9787560072975
- 出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
- 中图法分类:H31
- 页码:271
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:2
- 开本:16开
《读写教程》是《新视野大学英语》(第二版)系列教材中的主干教材。本教程在第一版基础上,全面贯彻《大学英语课程教学要求》(简称《课程要求》)的精神,结合使用院校的反馈意见,在整体结构、选材和练习等方面均有不同程度的完善和提高。郑树棠总主编的《新视野大学英语·读写教程2(附光盘第2版)》全书10个单元,供一个学期使用。每单元以一段100词左右的Preview开始,言简意赅地点出本单元主题。Preview既可以用于预习,也可以在写本单元summary时作参考。在Preview之后,单元内容分为两个部分:Section A和Section B。每部分各包含一篇课文和相关的练习。
Unit 1 Section A Text:Time-Conscious Americans Exercises Section B Reading Skills: Reading for the Main Idea in a Paragraph Text: Culture Shock ExercisesUnit 2 Section A Text: Learning the Olympic Standard for Love Exercises Section B Reading Skills: Finding Out Word Meanings Text: The Standard for Olympic Excellence ExercisesUnit 3 Section A Text: Marriage Across Nations Exercises Section B Reading Skills: Recognizing Differences Between Facts andOpinions Text: Rich Meeting His Future Mother-in-law ExercisesUnit 4 Section A Text: A Test of True Love Exercises Section B Reading Skills: Reading for the Key Idea in a Sentence Text: Love Under the Nazis ExercisesUnit 5 Section A Text: Weeping for My Smoking Daughter Exercises Section B Reading Skills: Understanding Figurative Language Text: Stop Spoiling Your Children ExercisesUnit 6 Section A Text: As His Name Is, So Is He! Exercises Section B Reading Skills: Scanning Text: Judge by Appearances ExercisesUnit 7 Section A Text: Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life Exercises Section B Reading Skills: Skimming Text: Are You a Workaholic? Exercises Section A Text: There's a Lot More to Life than a Job Exercises Section B Reading Skills: Identifying the Writer's Purpose Text: What Youngsters Expect in Life ExercisesUnit 9 Section A Text: Never Be a Quitter in Face of Life Exercises Section B Reading Skills: Predicting the Writer's Ideas Text: From Hardship Comes Success ExercisesUnit 10 Section A Text: Reports on Britain Under the Bombs Exercises Section B Reading Skills: Denotation and Connotation Text: Forty-Three Seconds over Hiroshima ExercisesAppendix Glossary 《新视野大学英语》在线教学系统使用指南