HiGee Chemical Separation Engineering 超重力分离工程
定 价:498 元
- 作者:中国化工学会 组织编写 刘有智 等 著
- 出版时间:2025/1/1
- ISBN:9787122461704
- 出 版 社:化学工业出版社
- 中图法分类:TQ028
- 页码:324
- 纸张:
- 版次:01
- 开本:小16开
HiGee Chemical Separation Engineering is one of the books in Chemical Industry Press’s Chemical Process Intensification series. The book introduces the basic concepts and technical terms of highgravity (HiGee) separation technology and in a systematic way analyzes and expounds the differences between centrifugal separation technology and high-gravity separation technology. This book takes the “problem elicitation–theory–principle–key technology–application case” as the main theme and details the operation and technical contents of high-gravity chemical separation, such as absorption, desorption, distillation, extraction, and adsorption. Significantly, the book also highlights academic innovation and illustrative examples that are closely combined with practical production.
1. Introduction1
1.1 Overview1
1.2 Operating principles and unit operations of high-gravity separation7
1.3 Equipment for high-gravity separation12
2. Absorption23
2.1 Overview23
2.2 Principles of high-gravity absorption24
2.3 Key techniques and challenges31
2.4 Application examples33
2.5 Future perspectives72
3. Desorption75
3.1 Intensification of heat and mass transfer in thermal desorption by high gravity76
3.2 Key technologies80
3.3 Application examples82
4. Distillation101
4.1 Overview101
4.2 Principles of high-gravity distillation103
4.3 Key technologies104
4.4 Characteristics of high-gravity distillation111
4.5 Application examples146
4.6 Prospects153
5. Liquid-liquid extraction159
5.1 Overview159
5.2 Mechanism of process intensification in the impinging stream-rotating packed bed165
5.3 Extraction operation in the impinging stream-rotating packed bed180
5.4 Application examples186
5.5 Prospects204
6. Liquid membrane separation207
6.1 Overview207
6.2 Mechanism of intensification of liquid membrane preparation and separation by impinging stream-rotating packed bed209
6.3 Key technologies of emulsion liquid membrane separation in the impinging stream-rotating packed bed216
6.4 Application examples221
6.5 Prospects238
7. Adsorption243
7.1 Overview243
7.2 Adsorption and separation technologies245
7.3 High-gravity adsorption259
7.4 Application examples264
8. Gas-solid separation283
8.1 Overview283
8.2 Key technologies and principles of high-gravity gas-solid separation289
8.3 Performance of high-gravity gas-solid separation291
8.4 Application examples308
8.5 Prospects311