本书以物流系统与供应链管理为主线,以物流的基本概念为起点,讨论了物流系统的运输、仓储、配送、包装、装卸搬运、流通加工和信息管理等功能要素的基本内容,分析了电子商务、智慧物流、区块链、第三方物流、国际物流,以及绿色物流、逆向物流、冷链物流、物联网、物流机器人、RFID及其应用、企业资源管理系统、供应链管理与供应链技术的发展趋势等。 全书共25个单元,每个单元有A、B两篇,其中A篇为精读课文,B篇为阅读课文。每篇课文后都对部分生词、短语及句子进行了中文注释,并在最后列出了若干讨论主题。 附录给出了汉英物流术语解释、汉英物流常用词汇、物流常用缩略语等。本书提供全套课件和A篇课文的参考译文,以及音频、视频文件,读者可登录华信教育资源网(www.hxedu.com.cn)免费下载。
目 录
Unit 1 1
Passage A Introduction to Logistics 1
Passage B Activities of Logistics Engineering 6
Unit 2 10
Passage A The Role of Material Flow Systems 10
Passage B System and Its Analysis 14
Unit 3 19
Passage A Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (Ⅰ) 19
Passage B Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (Ⅱ) 22
Unit 4 27
Passage A Transportation 27
Passage B Jeddah Bestrides East West Route 31
Unit 5 35
Passage A Container Transportation 35
Passage B Optimizing Container Transfers at Multimodal Terminals 39
Unit 6 44
Passage A Inventory Management 44
Passage B Approaches to Inventory Management 48
Unit 7 52
Passage A Warehouse Design 52
Passage B Warehousing Management 56
Unit 8 61
Passage A Distribution Management 61
Passage B Planning Physical Distribution 66
Unit 9 72
Passage A Materials Handling 72
Passage B Automated Guided Vehicle 76
Unit 10 81
Passage A Packing, Marking and Shipment 81
Passage B Contract and Confirmation 85
Unit 11 88
Passage A Distribution Processing 88
Passage B Logistics Management 91
Unit 12 96
Passage A Logistics Information System 96
Passage B Big Data in Logistics 99
Unit 13 104
Passage A Electronic Commerce 104
Passage B B2B: The Real World 108
Unit 14 115
Passage A Smart Urban Logistics 115
Passage B Blockchain Used in Logistics and Supply Chain 120
Unit 15 125
Passage A Third-party Logistics 125
Passage B Global Trade Drives 3PL Provider’s Expansion 129
Unit 16 133
Passage A International Logistics 133
Passage B ISS Logistics and Item Distribution 139
Unit 17 143
Passage A Green Logistics 143
Passage B The Green Paradoxes of Logistics in Transport Systems 146
Unit 18 151
Passage A Reverse Logistics 151
Passage B Reverse Logistics in the Urban Environment 154
Unit 19 158
Passage A Cold Chain Logistics 158
Passage B HACCP Based Food Safety System 161
Unit 20 165
Passage A The Internet of Things 165
Passage B Applications of the Internet of Things 171
Unit 21 177
Passage A Robotics in Logistics 177
Passage B Future Vision of Robotics in Logistics 182
Unit 22 186
Passage A A Basic System of RFID 186
Passage B Benefits and Applications of RFID 189
Unit 23 193
Passage A Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems 193
Passage B Material Resource Planning 198
Unit 24 205
Passage A Supply Chain Management 205
Passage B The Evolution of Supply Chain Technologies 210
Unit 25 215
Passage A Top 10 Supply Chain Technology Trends (Ⅰ) 215
Passage B Top 10 Supply Chain Technology Trends (Ⅱ) 218
Appendixes 223
附录A 汉英物流术语解释 223
附录B 汉英物流常用词汇 226
附录C 物流常用缩略语 229
References 232