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当前图书已被 4 所学校荐购过!
- 作者:付晓云主编
- 出版时间:2009/10/1
- ISBN:9787801109316
- 出 版 社:中国民航出版社
- 中图法分类:H31
- 页码:176页
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16K
Unit1 Enquires about Flight Information询问航班信息
Unit2 Telephone Reservations电话订座
Unit3 Change of Reservations订座变更
Unit4 Requesting Special Services申请
Unit5 Ticketing and Change of Tickets出票和客票变更
Unit6 Fares票价
Unit7 Lost Tickets and Refund遗失客票补开与退票
Unit8 Enquires about Other Services询问其他方面服务
Unit9 Check-in Procedures办理乘机手续
Unit10 Baggage Handling at the Check-in乘机时的行李处理
Unit1 Enquires about Flight Information询问航班信息
Unit2 Telephone Reservations电话订座
Unit3 Change of Reservations订座变更
Unit4 Requesting Special Services申请
Unit5 Ticketing and Change of Tickets出票和客票变更
Unit6 Fares票价
Unit7 Lost Tickets and Refund遗失客票补开与退票
Unit8 Enquires about Other Services询问其他方面服务
Unit9 Check-in Procedures办理乘机手续
Unit10 Baggage Handling at the Check-in乘机时的行李处理