前言Introduction一 常用穴位Ⅰ Frequently Used Acupoints大椎穴GV14 (Dazhui)风池GB20 (Fengchi)肾俞BL23 (Shenshu)二 常用手法Ⅱ Frequently Adopted Techniques搓法Twisting前言Introduction一 常用穴位Ⅰ Frequently Used Acupoints大椎穴GV14 (Dazhui)风池GB20 (Fengchi)肾俞BL23 (Shenshu)二 常用手法Ⅱ Frequently Adopted Techniques搓法Twisting按揉法Pressing & Kneading端提法Lifting抹法Wiping摩法Rubbing点按法Pointing & Pressing叩法Tapping三 颈部推拿保健操Ⅲ Traditional Chinese Tuina Exercises for Neck颈部操Exercises for the Neck颈部操Exercises for the Neck颈部操Exercises for the Neck颈部操Exercises for the Neck颈部操Exercises for the Neck颈部操Exercises for the Neck颈部操Exercises for the Neck颈部操Exercises for the Neck动作要领功效应用Grasping the EssentialsUnderstanding the MechanismIndications四 肩部推拿保健操Ⅳ Traditional Chinese Tuina Exercises for Shoulder肩部操Exercises for the Shoulder肩部操Exercises for the Shoulder肩部操Exercises for the Shoulder肩部操Exercises for the Shoulder肩部操Exercises for the Shoulder肩部操Exercises for the Shoulder肩部操Exercises for the Shoulder肩部操Exercises for the Shoulder动作要领功效应用Grasping the EssentialsUnderstanding the MechanismIndications五 腰部推拿保健操Ⅴ Traditional Chinese Tuina Exercises for Waist腰部操Exercises for the Waist腰部操Exercises for the Waist腰部操Exercises for the Waist腰部操Exercises for the Waist腰部操Exercises for the Waist腰部操Exercises for the Waist腰部操Exercises for the Waist腰部操Exercises for the Waist动作要领功效应用Grasping the EssentialsUnderstanding the MechanismIndications六 保健操的注意事项Ⅵ Remendations环境适宜身心调和Finding A Favorable Place for ExercisingSeeking Harmony between Body and Mind运动适量坚持锻炼自我纠正Doing What Is PossibleRoutinizing the ExercisesCommunicating for Improvements不适反应Dealing with Disforts